OWMA President-Elect Nick Schell weighs in on boosting Bobwhite populations on private lands

Nick Schell, a wildlife biologist with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Ohio, and our President-Elect, wrote a blog highlighting the Ohio NCRS involvement in the Working Lands for Wildlife initiative. Titled ‘Beef and ‘Bobs’ – Maximize Cattle Production and Help Bobwhites on Your Land’, the post post highlights best grassland management practices to enhance bobwhite habitat. ”

“By replacing non-native forages with native ones, producers can benefit from pastures that are more resilient to drought and more resistant to endophyte, a fungus found in fescue that impacts herd health. Operations that rely only on common cool-season forages, such as fescue and orchardgrass, may find it increasingly difficult to stay above the bottom line.” says Schell. He continues: “We’re recommending that you go “old school” by grazing on native forages.”

Read the whole story here.